Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to seal a bag and make it air-tight!

A very good tip to pass on. And you won't have to be saving all those twist ties. Now if we could just figure out what to do with the bottom of the bottle.

The guy who first thought of the idea must be given an award for originality!!!

Wow, what a fantastic idea! Do not have to grapple with rubber bands that are tied too tightly.

How to seal a bag and make it air-tight!

Cut up a disposable water bottle and keep the neck and top, as in photo.

Insert the plastic bag through the neck and screw the top – to seal.

The bottle is made to be air-tight, such that water will not leak,

the secret lies with the top and screw!

This is a great idea to share. Good for us and the environment too.